  1. Good Times
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Good Times

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“Good Times”
Lyrics and Music by Chet Nichols
Instrumentation, vocals, production & recording by Chet Nichols
Copyright 2016 by Chet Nichols (ASCAP) & Magic Garage Music (ASCAP)

For Licensing Info, please contact us:
PO Box 2398, Northbrook, IL USA 60065
http://www.chetnichols.net :: chet@chetnichols.net


“Good Times”
Music and Lyric by Chet Nichols (ASCAP)
Copyright 2020 by Chet Nichols (ASCAP) & Chet Nichols Creative Services (Magic Garage Music Division): Publisher (ASCAP)
URL: http://www.chetnichols.net
Email: chet@chetnichols.net
Email: MagicGarageMusic@protonmail.com
Email: ChetNichols@me.com

1. You may think there’s a big black cloud
Whose only job is to follow you around
Makes it rain and makes it storm
Makes you shiver when you wanna be warm
You never know what’s around the bend
‘Cause good times start when the bad times end

Good times
Bad times
Dance around
Inside out
And upside down
Good times spin
The bad times ‘around
So grab their hands
And dance around
Yeah, spin them around

2. When trouble knocks welcome it in
And know better days are waiting to begin
Don’t get fooled into writing sad songs
Before you know it trouble’s moving along
You’ll hear a funny thumping on your door
It’s good times knocking, coming back for more


3. Rainbows always follow the storms
And a little bit of love will always keep you warm
Make the choice to have a good day
And know that fun is always steaming your way
Wear a smile and you’ll pass the test
Trouble always shows you at your very best


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Copyright © 2020 ® by Chet Nichols (ASCAP) & Chet Nichols Creative Services (Magic Garage Music Division): Publisher (ASCAP)

All US and Global Rights are reserved. This song or any portion thereof (lyrics, music, samples, vocals) may not be reproduced in any form or media, distributed, transmitted, downloaded, shared or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the writer and the publisher.

For permission requests, write to the publisher at:
Or addressed to:
"Attention: Permissions Coordinator, (at the address below)
Chet Nichols/Magic Garage Music, PO Box 2398, Northbrook, IL 60065”

More information at:
Email: MagicGarageMusic@protonmail.com
Email: ChetNichols@me.com
Email: Chet@chetnichols.net