The Secrets Of Life (Single)

Chet Nichols

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The Secrets Of Life (Single)

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The world we live in today is so splintered and unfocused. It would take a great mind to absorb and understand all that is happening these days. So many distractions and so much division...and I see so many people who WANT to have dreams or DO have them, but trying to find a mindset and support to do these things, is difficult. So, I feel we all

The world we live in today is so splintered and unfocused. It would take a great mind to absorb and understand all that is happening these days. So many distractions and so much division...and I see so many people who WANT to have dreams or DO have them, but trying to find a mindset and support to do these things, is difficult. So, I feel we all need a little help from other and that is what this song is about. (Based on a dream I had of walking of the ocean's shoreline).

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